To join the Sinfonet network you must send the following form completed and signed after you have read and accepted the following articles of the agreement establishing the R.I.R. The full version of the agreement establishing the RIR can be requested at the attendant secretary (
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Art. 10_ Ways to join the RIR:
The RIR is open to the adhesion of new subjects that they share finality and objectives and that they satisfy the presuppositions demanded from the L.R.: The Management Committee of the Agreement is responsible for the preliminary evaluation of the applications for membership of the RIR received after the conclusion of this Agreement, by referring the final approval to the SINFONET Shareholders' Meeting.
Those who wish to join the RIR will have to submit a specific request to the Management Committee, which will decide at the first useful meeting by an absolute majority.
In the event of acceptance of the proposed membership, the applicant shall submit the required documentation and pay a contribution to the Fund to the extent established annually, in addition to the ordinary contribution for the following year and any extraordinary contribution also later decided.
Art. 11_ Withdrawal and exclusion from the RIR:
The parties may withdraw from the RIR, in compliance with the obligations set out in the following article, with a formal declaration, which must be received, with a notice of at least thirty (30) days, by PEC or Registered A/R to the legal address of the RIR Representative. In the event of withdrawal, ordinary and extraordinary contributions paid or contributions made to the common fund in any capacity shall not be repeated.
Due to serious and protracted non-compliance with the obligations arising from participation in projects and/or activities financed under this RIR, the exclusion of the defaulting party may be deliberated in accordance with the following Article.
Any withdrawal anticipated by the RIR does not cancel any obligations assumed with regard to projects in which the Company is involved.
Art. 12_ Obligations of membres:
The Parties shall respect and enforce the commitments arising from the Agreement and shall fulfil their obligations arising from participation in projects and/or activities financed under this RIR: to this end, the Parties agree that inertia, the omission and the obstructive activity related to the actions object of the program as well as to the activities of verification and monitoring of the activities participated in the within of This Agreement constitute case of default.
In the event of serious or persistent non-compliance, the Representative shall urge the Party to comply promptly: if the non-compliance continues beyond reasonable time limits, the Representative shall inform the Management Committee, which will decide on appropriate measures to ensure the implementation of the programme without prejudice to the RIR, including requiring the convening of an extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the signatories for deliberation, by a qualified majority of 2/3 of the members, the termination of the relationship for the defaulting party.
Subject to the provision of art. 1446 c.c., the termination of a single relationship will not result in the dissolution of the RIR.
This is without prejudice to the right of the Management Committee to claim compensation from the defaulting participant for any damage suffered by the RIR as a result of the default.
The parties also undertake to:
- To remove any obstacles that may arise at any stage of the implementation of the commitments undertaken for the implementation of the intervention, accepting, in the event of inertia, delay or non-compliance found, the measures taken to protect the interests of the RIR;
- To carry out on a regular basis the monitoring activities necessary to proceed periodically to the verification of the Agreement, also in order to activate promptly all the resources for the implementation of the interventions;
- accept the terms of confidentiality of information relating to the technical and administrative activities of the RIR as indicated in the signing of the accession agreement and in the subsequent Articles 17 and 18;
- Carry out the necessary checks to ensure compliance with the budget allocated for each activity on an annual and multiannual basis as indicated in the appropriate Annex.
The members undertake, finally, not to withdraw early from the RIR until the definition of the reporting activities of the last funded project in which the same, as members of the RIR, have participated.
Art. 13 _ Establishment of a common fund:
A common fund will be established to ensure the normal functioning of the RIR and the activities of general interest provided for in this Programme Agreement. Examples include, but are not limited to, information and promotion of funding opportunities and project development, the preparation of information materials on the RIR, the organisation of the annual meeting, the management of the Scientific Technical Committees etc..
The activities covered by the programme on an annual and multi-annual basis will be subject to a separate allocation, as indicated in Annex 2 "SINFONET: Roadmap 2016-2019".
The initial contribution required to join the RIR is € 500.00, to be paid at the same time as the return of the completed and signed application for admission, which will indicate the IBAN and the reason for payment.
Any subsequent contributions must be decided by the assembly.
Art. 17_ Industrial and intellectual property:
Ownership and economic exploitation of all industrial and intellectual property rights arising from the implementation of projects approved under this Agreement, as referred to in Annex 3, shall be specifically identified, assigned and regulated when approving them.
Art. 18_ Confidentiality:
In the force of this Agreement and after its total or partial dissolution, each acceding Entity undertakes not to use, for purposes other than the implementation of the Agreement, and not to disclose confidential information to third parties, secret or otherwise pertaining to rights, relating to processes adopted or products carried out in the execution of the Network’s project activities, and what learned by other member Companies during the execution of this Agreement.